Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My new "job".

     I was traipsing about a local gallery at the mall with a friend, when the owner approached me and inquired if I was an artist. (I assume he was judging from my camera bag and less-than-common-looking hair.) Slightly taken aback, I responded with a hesitant "Yes, I am a photojournalist-in-training," and patted my camera bag resting on my hip.
     "Oh really? Where do you go to school? Around here?"
     I explained to him that I go to RIT. He seemed to become slightly more enthusiastic upon hearing this and insisted that I meet his wife. I was still slightly puzzled, but thought heck, this has to be a good thing, so may as well stick around. A few minutes later, I found myself introducing myself to Simona, an adorable woman with a thick Romanian accent. She asked me to bring in a portfolio so she could see my work and possibly display it in the gallery.


"Sure, sure, I can bring in a portfolio!"
After I make one...
"Sunday? Two days from now? Sure!"

     Thankfully the friend I was with works at Walgreens, so I was able to utilize her discount to make some less-than-awesome-but-still-okay-for-a-drugstore type prints and slap them in a presentation folder I already had from school. I typed up a pretty information sheet and hoped for the best.
     So on Sunday afternoon, I strolled into the Star Gallery with a skip in my step and a smile on my face. Simona was quite impressed with my work, and she told me to frame as many as I wanted and to bring them back in; I would have my own wall section in the gallery to sell my photos and make commission. All I have to do is provide a small "membership" payment and "work" at the gallery 6 hours a week, which is actually broken up into two 3-hour shifts. Easy as pie. But lonely at times. Oh well. I'm getting out there!

The owners kindly ask that photos are not taken of the artwork. 
When I get bored, I take pictures. 
I was surrounded by art 360 degrees.
This is my solution.
On a semi-related note, I got another job working for Vector Marketing.
That's my fabulous training manual.

My babies!
I made an exception, since they're mine and all.

1 comment:

What are you thinking...?