Sunday, June 5, 2011

I wasn't built for this... was I?

     {When regarding life, it is nearly impossible to tell how much}
 { is too much. } 

The following doesn't relate to the emotion behind the photograph, but it explains a lot about my lack of hair.

      I got my hair cut on Thursday, and it was the first time my mother wasn't the one holding the scissors. I asked her best friend Anne (she and my mom both have hair-cutting licenses) to have the honor of removing twenty-some inches of my hair and providing me with a super-chic pixie cut. Needless to say, she did a stand-up job. It was pretty emotional since my mom had always cut my hair since...well, forever. But I made it through, and now I have a rockin' hairstyle that is (according to multiple people) more "me".
      I'm sorry to be a tease by making it obvious that something is terribly wrong and then not talk about it... But photography is my outlet, and this picture represents how I'm feeling. My blog is where I post photos about my current emotional state. It's just how I cope. Hopefully things will get better soon.


  1. Beautiful photo, and your beautiful too. Photoms are a great way to describe your feelings... and unfortuantly you are going to have a lot of times where its something you thought your mom was gonna be there for and its gonna hurt just as bad everytime for years to come. Its okay to feel sad and angry, I still do, and its okay to do crazy things, like chop all your hair off =), get tattoos, cry til there's nothing left, scream for no reason, have all the windows down just to feel the wind because it helps you feel her. But know she's in a better place and now she's with two of her siblings who meant a lot to her. You will be stronger with everyday and this will build you into the stone and mold that fate wants you to be, for some reason this happened to us, and although it seems unfair, it will all make sense some day. And we will be so strong and so happy for what our moms and fate gave us. Just keep being you for her, because even though she's a million miles away she wants you to be happy and do what you do best. So keep going and take as many sad pictures as you want, some day you will realize the sadness in your photos dissapate. It does get better but it is always good to express your self. Keep doing your best it will always turn out for the best. There's a reason for everything. I am always here to listen or cry on if you need me, or hell if ya just wanna find some photo adventurer companion. Love you for ever and always. And like ur mom always said to u xxoolove love

  2. thank you Amber<3 I can't wait to see you. I wish I had more words in me than that... I love you.


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