Sunday, October 28, 2012


       In my Ad Photo class, our last assignment was to illustrate two articles, either by the article itself or just the title. I chose to illustrate two titles:

Wear a Lab Coat? Odds Are You're a Caffeine Junkie.

This one was a lot of fun to shoot. I especially enjoyed slowly becoming more and more hyped on caffeine with the model, Christina. 

I combined the aspects of both portraiture and still life to create compelling and interesting images. And yes! She really is pouring that into her mouth (and it's cola, not coffee).

 Another fun tidbit: Poor Christina was falling asleep during this part... for realism, of course.

Criminal Minds.

 This image shows a more humorous and literal view of the idea, showing an inmate studying how to be a more successful criminal, therefore, as I like to put it, "expanding his criminal mind".

The “criminal mind"—or the reasoning behind a convicted prisoner's actions—is often lost in the eyes of the average citizen, no matter what the criminal's or citizen's income, social status, or age. People tend to think of murderers and thieves and rapists as all the same: plain bad people. Outsiders don't want to hear the criminal's rationale; it will all likely be called crazy, controllable, or preventable (if it's even heard). I illustrated this situation by placing an inmate at the front of a classroom, frustrated by his audience of one, who doesn't even care what he has to say about his situation.


  1. Your tales behind your magical pictures are what makes your blog so wonderful. I get excited every time I see giveth and taketh on my news feed. Once again brilliant stuff. #numberonefan,#midas


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