Thursday, January 5, 2012


      As I've grown older and (unfortunately) more aware of the world and the people that walk upon it, I felt a change in my head. I know that's normal as one matures, but this is so prominent and unsettling that I can't take it. People in general seem so much more self-centered than they did less than five years ago. They talk, and talk, and talk and hardly ever listen. They complain. They refuse to sacrifice. They are aloof. They don't take time to read other people.
      I used to think I was a good listener. Heck, I was told I was by literally dozens of people. I enjoyed listening to and helping people close to me and even people I just met. It was insane how many people approached me for advice, and I was flattered and floored at the same time. Today, it seems like everyone around me wants to talk, but it couldn't make a difference if anyone was even listening. I don't enjoy it anymore. All I hear are complaints or irrelevant, shallow sentences. I find myself with no reply, because I don't even partake in conversations anymore... people just talk endlessly. I stare at the table or the wall if I lose interest; I feel no need to make eye contact anymore.
      I wish someone would say a sentence that is worth replying to, and I would give that reply, and then the person would agree and/or comment, and then take a breath so I could also speak.
That would be wonderful. 

I only have a photo inversely related to my rant: 
This is my bunny Herbie. He never talks. He just wiggles his nose and sticks out his tongue.

1 comment:

What are you thinking...?